North Shore Real Estate Guide Advertising Design

Real Estate ads were design monotony boot camp, but I can credit those ads with helping me develop a critical eye toward symmetry, alignment, and spatial reasoning (I even made mathematical formulas to help me fit more homes into defined spaces). Every month I worked with 10+ realtors to get their new and old listings packed into their contracted ad space.

My job:  Correspond with realtors for ad info and pictures, design and layout, proofing and editing process, placement on publication pages. After I left Northern Wilds I contracted to create the monthly ads from 2008-2015.

Challenges: The details. OMG, the details. And fitting five more houses (or more) into the same amount of page space as last month. Every month every ad had to be completely reworked. 

Perks: Learning all the InDesign tricks for cramming more information into smaller spaces and making it look good. 
